Monday, March 22, 2010

{ It happened }

The thing I have most dreaded since I became a mother has happened... is it what we all dread? Or just me?

I remember when I was younger going to my aunts house and hearing the stories. The story how he put the fork into the outlet...I thought to myself, "So thats why there are black dots everywhere"... But I never did it, none of my sisters did it. So was it just a curious little boy thing? Or were we just fortunate enough not to have gone to that level of curiosity?

We always had safety plugs in our outlets since Kaden could crawl, and he never really bothered them. They didn't seem to have much interest in him. But I guess Sunday was the day he had planned out...the day he had been waiting for. The one where mom was at work, and while Garrett was shaving he thought it'd be a good day to shove my tweezers in the outlet.

I wasn't here, but Garrett said that the lights flickered and there was a popping noise, and Kaden came running in the bathroom yelling that they were black. What is black? The tweezers are. He willingly admitted to doing it, and told Garrett that his leg hurt. BAM! Would I have ever even known if it wasn't for the fact that my tweezers are now blackened and destroyed on one half? Boy oh Boy...I sure hope he learned his lesson the first time!


  1. Oh man that could have been bad. I am waiting for the day Mack thinks of this... scary.

  2. I KNOW how you feel. Scared that something worse could have happened. Relieved that it didn't.
