Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New house, new problems...

So on February 26th, we moved into our new place in Idaho Falls. It is so nice having our own space, being able to decorate, and finally getting Kaden into his own bed. He had his own at my moms, but he would not sleep in it for the life of me. He would wake up in the middle of the night crying so loud until I brought him into bed with me.

He is currently using Garretts bed, which is a queen, because I don't have the money to buy him a twin...and I know he is only 3, but at least with it being bigger I don't have to worry about him falling out of it, right? hehe... He has done really well the past week in his bed. Normally I have to lay with him until he falls asleep. I think I have done that just once... I put him in it, and tell him I'm gonna check on him in 5 minutes, and when I do he is passed out. SO NICE! But, of course he has been waking up at 5 in the morning to use the bathroom, and then I hear noises, so i look and his bedroom light is on and he is just playing. So I end up falling asleep next to him for a couple hours because I am not waking up at 5!

So I worked until close on Friday, and when I come home, I opened the door to a disaster. My Microsuede chair is soaking wet, there is water dripping off the bar onto the carpet, the carpet is soaking wet, and it looks like every towel in our house is now soaking up the remains of Kadens helaciousness... oh boy
...Apparently, while Garrett was using the restroom, Kaden decided to empty the entire contents of dawn dish detergent onto the counter, and I think he tried to clean it up using the sink sprayer, but while he did he also managed to soak down the entire kitchen, chair, and part of the living room carpet. Needless to say, he was in his bedroom for 18 years (according to Garrett). He didn't stay much longer than probably 30 minutes. So we made a quick trip to walmart to buy a cheap carpet cleaner to soak up all the water that we could, and I think we did a pretty good job.

The next day I took all the towels to the Laundromat to wash them, kinda forgetting that half of them were used to clean up dawn...oh man. Bubble city. The first load was okay, there was only a few suds, so i just ran it through an extra cycle without detergent to rinse again. But the second load. Bad. Real Bad. I opened the front loader, and suds just came pouring out. What to do. Everyone is looking. I am embarrassed. I dunno what to do. So i come home and make Garrett come back to help me. We got a garbage can and emptied as much suds into that so we could at least see the towels again. Then we ran it through another wash ,without detergent, to try and rid the suds. This very nice lady told me that liquid fabric softener attacks the soap, so she gave me a little bit to use. I wouldn't have known this, because I don't used liquid softener. But it worked! And i wasn't as embarrassed anymore.

All in has been such a crazy week! Moving, getting settled, cleaning, soaking up carpets, trying to prevent mold...ahhh Now if I could just relax and enjoy our new place. That would be nice!


  1. Ha ha HA! that is hilarious! I wish I was at the laudramat to see your embarrassment_ cuz i would have laughed at you. But then of course tried to help you!

  2. I can only imagine the suds! Kami, send me your address so I can put it in the family addresses.
